Jessica Mae Nisbett

About Myself

I am a graduate of Arkansas Tech University where I studied and majored in fine arts. My emphasis while in school was painting and drawing. I grew up in a small town in Arkansas but now reside in North Carolina with my husband and two daughters. I also am a high school art teacher at a local private academy. My days are spent teaching art to kids, being a wife and mom, doing art with my own children, immersing myself in nature, and participating in local art markets. I feel so blessed that I have been able to turn my love of art and nature into a career. 

About My Work

As an artist, many things over time have inspired and influenced me and I have experimented with many styles, mediums, and subject matter. However, for the last several years, my artwork has been inspired by the environment and free spirit of the natural world. I stick to painting and drawing, usually with a combination of styles on one canvas. Although I do not adhere to one particular style, so far as abstract, surrealism or realism, I am constantly exploring more ways to depict my bond with nature. I believe, as an artist, it is important to continually grow and explore new expressions. I am usually on the mission to depict what I love to do in nature and how I personally connect. I paint how the land around me has moved me spiritually or emotionally. No matter the genre or style I paint in, I always attempt to convey my relationship and unity with nature and strive to excite and inspire my viewers to do the same.

Contacting Me

Please feel free to look through all of my art. Most everything is for sell or commission. My email is my main source of communication if you so desire to inquire about my work.
